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Celtics Fans, I Don't Get You

Now let me first preface this by saying that as a New Yorker and a fan of New York sports there are many things about the innerworkings of a Boston sports fan that I will never understand. However one thing that I can not wrap my head around whatsoever is seeing social media videos of Celtic's fans burning jersey's of Isaiah Thomas. As I learned more about the story I have to come to find out that it seems as if this group of jersey burners is the minority of Celtics fans, and it quite possibly could have been just a stunt for vitality.

Regardless of that fact explain to me the logic here? As fans of sport now we just completely bash someone's reputation on social media because they have left our team? I truly don't get it and seeing those videos on social is something that outraged me and here's why:

1. Celtic's fans who've burned Isaiah's jersey and said "not my point guard", congratulations you played yourself. The man had no input into this trade in any way shape or form. He didn't act as Kyrie did and go to the front office and ask to be traded. He is what every other player is to an NBA organization, an asset, and assets can be traded or moved to gain value. So how can you possibly blame Isaiah Thomas for this move to Cleveland? Kyrie jersey's? Ok, I get it, LeBron Jersey's? Yup can definitely sympathize with yah there Cleveland (although you did seem to take him back with open arms...) KD Jersey's? say no more, I'm sure you had some long winded Instagram post about how you value loyalty and honor over all else. BUT to burn the jersey of Isaiah Thomas and tarnish his reputation makes you look like an absolute moron, or at the very least an ill advised sports fan.

2. The second reason is actually what made me more mad about this situation because Isaiah Thomas is not just another player in another organization. This man was the last pick in the draft, got traded from team to team. When he finally found a place that fit his unique skill set he thrived and flourished, becoming an all-star caliber point guard. He gave everything to the city of Boston, literally everything. The man lost his sister and came out the night after with a heavy heart and balled out for your city. His entire world came crashing down and had the ability to keep his emotions within and put on a show for the city of Boston, something that most of us as fans of sport could not have done, I know for damn sure I couldn't have.

We put athlete's on a pedestal and judge their every movement, action and word with great precision, as if they are under a microscope. We put superhuman expectations on them and when they don't deliver we scrutinized them. All I ask is when they do produce, and they give their heart and soul to your city at least give them the respect that they deserve.

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