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Why the Cavs Need To Move Love

We have seen many characteristics of the most athletic basketball player to ever come out of the tunnel. Grit, toughness, and skill all come to mind. But so does another, not so admirable trait; control. Lebron, especially as his career has advanced, has been noted to have much more control with his franchise than arguably any other player. From his trade requests of other players, having pull in who becomes his next boss, and even in-game tirades like we saw just a few weeks ago. Lebron wants, needs, and gets, control. And it seems like he needs to use it again.

The cavaliers are currently third in the eastern standing, behind the Kyrie lead Celtics, and the always intriguing raptors, with the wizards and heat hot on their trail. From team meetings to heated discussions, the team is not vibing at all, and not giving Lebron the trust he needs in a team. And the scape goat - Kevin Love.

While I don’t think he deserves what he’s got, after all he did average a double double last year and is damn close this year, his teammates have pointed to his lack of commitment and investment. That’s not good. You need trust and cohesion to build a championship roster, this team has neither.

Although it’s not fair and hell, it may not be best for the team as far as numbers go. But they need a shake up. They need to get the trust back. They need a fresh(er) look.

So Lebron, its time to do your thing. Make your calls, shake your hands, and get the guy you so hardly convinced the Cavs to go get for you, to get rid of him. With an above average, floor spacing four like Kevin love and the potential first round pick, there are few restrictions on the possibilities of talent you could bring in. The only question? Who does the king want to bring into his court next?

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